Sunday, May 11, 2008

Moms' Day every day!

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  Elizabeth Stone

While I am not sure who Elizabeth Stone is, I like the visual she presents in this quote. And I happen to have 8 children, so I have a lot of my heart walking around out there. Some days I feel it more than others!

I know that many are unable to bear children, and know that is a pain so difficult to bear. I do not take that fact lightly. And I am also aware that in this self-absorbed culture, that many choose to not have children...I have to assume that they are unaware of the gifts that children are and the blessings that they bring to your life (along with other things)! But It is at this time of year, Mother's Day, that I usually pause to remember my precious mom, who is alive and 87 today. Many have not had a mom to emulate and follow after, but I have a selfless mom who has set the pace before me. She still emails (yes she emails) to remind me of things only a mom would think of. Then, I write each of my children and remind them of my love for them and why I feel the way I do about them. It is just a different twist on the day -Happy "I'm so glad to be your mom" Day!

Now don't get me wrong - I am not one of those who will sugar-coat any experience - I happen to believe that it is absolutely one of the hardest and busiest careers anyone could ever have, especially single moms. I lose sleep over my children; I cry over my children; I work hard for and with my children; I am learning to pray more for my children; and I even get mad at my children! But I love them, enjoy them, laugh with them, sing with them, play with them, serve them, and I just plain like them!

What a privilege - what an idea - to carry, for almost a year, a growing life - a most precious treasure (hard work), then birth that treasure into this world (more hard work) -then have the opportunity to nurture and teach that treasure and especially to bring this treasure up in the Lord and to fight for and protect this treasure, until he or she can choose wisdom for himself (did I say hard work??) - then have the challenge of releasing, one at a time, each treasure, whom you have poured your very heart and life into since the day of conception (more heart work) - releasing that treasure to now make his or her mark on this dark world, for the Kingdom of God that you have sought to place in each of their hearts - motherhood! Wow! I get tired just thinking about it. Yet, it is nearly impossible for anyone, other than mom, to understand its depth, its challenges, its heartaches, its longings, and its joys - it is truly a "heart" investment - it never ends, but its role changes with time.

I find myself regularly in the releasing mode in these days, and for you moms of little ones, it really does come, I promise, and it is sooner than you ever imagined! It is a challenging hard time for me since I have some slight control issues - yet it is right and good! Now it is their turn to go and to touch the world. I have touched mine.

Happy Moms' Day to all moms - the contented ones, the longing ones, the heart-broken ones - you are amazing and precious! Keep going and never give up! The love of the Heavenly Father is great toward you and all of your treasures! To my treasures - I deeply love each of you and could not be more proud and thankful to be "mom" - your mom! Happy "I'm so glad to be your mom," day!



circus of love said...

I find I need my mom a little more each year. BEAUTIFUL picture. It is amazing you can get them all in the same place at the same time. You are truly blessed and a true blessing!!!

justgottalaugh said...

What a beautiful post and a beautiful picture. This is the first time I've seen a picture of all 8 of them together. They're precious- each and every one. No wonder- with you and Bob as their parents :) God has been soooo good to you!