Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Never give up - keep moving forward

One thing I have come to in recent days, is that the circumstances of our lives can often lead us to times of being on pause, or hold. I have experienced that in recent years, where I just could not see what God was doing with my life and what He wanted me to do in response. I continued to do the daily things and took care of my family, but I withdrew and was quiet in my soul for a time. Quiet times are not bad if we contine to seek Him, the lover of our soul. They are rebuilding times; just like muscles take time to rebuild, so our hearts need the same. Hearts need time to replenish and rebuild. They must rest, rejuvenate, and be refreshed. I sense a new season coming my way as the winds have blown in Florida even the last day or so. How about you? I do not fully see it, but I know that there are parts of my heart, that have been dormant for a while, that are being restored and are coming alive again. Life includes many starts, much disappointment along the road, before we start again. It is a journey - not a sprint, but more like a marathon - with sharp turns, breakdowns, steep mountains trails, inclement weather, low valleys, but also sunny days, smooth roads, gentle breezes, and rolling hills. Stay on the path - keep on going - you may need to slow down but keep moving - that is what the Lord has shown me. I must keep moving ahead, watching for Him at every turn. He is there - in fact, He is traveling with you...he never leaves you, never forsakes you...never disappoints those who hope in Him - the journey with Him is different from other journeys. He brings joy to the journey - don't miss it - it might be rain, a flower, a child, a friend, a provision, a hope, a truth, a smile, a hug - watch for it - He is there - His joy is your strength for the next step you must take, but you are not alone in it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joy, Watching the way you journey with Christ is an encouragement to me. And I'm so glad for the fresh winds and delights God is bringing alive in you.