Rest, now that sounds like a great idea - we could all use some of that - well I found a secret place to get rest. It's in a person - Jesus invites us to come...take...learn. He wants us to come to Him - not religion, not a book, not a place, not a relationship, not a ritual. In fact, the one thing that makes Christianity different than all other religions is that it is based on a personal relationship - none other can offer that. What a difference it makes to be invited to know "someone" instead of "some thing." I like that! Rules and working our way through religious stuff will never bring us rest - it only makes us more tired. He invites all who are "weary" - that's us - to come...weary from working hard to find fulfillment, working hard at life - working to overcome - working at difficult relationships - working to be perfect - whatever it is that we are working toward. He even invites the "heavy-laden" - those with an extra heavy burden on top of their weariness - I have been there - He invites us to come so that He can give us REST. Burdens are a part of life, that is for sure. But He has rest for us - we just have to respond to invitation number 2 - take my yoke - get in - He leads - it's a team approach to life with the One who created life, so He should know the way to navigate it, huh? He says it is easy - not life - but the yoke - it's because it means it is custom fitted just for you and me - not one size fits all, but fits you perfectly so it will not be difficult to wear. It is light because we are connected with Jesus, who will carry the load of life with us - when you are in the yoke you are definitely not alone. I like this team idea, that Jesus has chosen us to be on His team - we just have to get in the yoke! The third invitation is to learn from Him - let Him teach you - that can happen much easier when you are in the yoke - you just walk together, work together, love together, and learn - talk about mentoring!! God wants you to have rest - Now it did occur to me that we have an enemy who offers the same three invitations - "come, take, and learn from me," he says - so be careful where you go when you are invited. The results can be devastating...and eternal.
God promises rest for your soul, if you respond to the invitations. So RSVP and Come on in to Him - get in the yoke - learn from Him - if you are looking for me today - you will find me there.