Today is my first blogging moment. It is fall, my favorite season, even though it does not look like fall in Florida. I just have to rely on pictures of my years in Tennessee to remind me of what fall looks and feels like...the leaves...the colors...crisp morning air...outside play...sweatshirts and jackets...football...hot apple cider...all reminders of how blessed I am with the family and life that God has given me. And so are you! No matter where you are, what is going on in your life, how many children you have or don't have, what type of job you or your husband have or don't have, the kind of place you live in, the type of car you drive, God is good and He loves you and me. Fall is a great time to reflect on His greatness and His love for you. Picture a great big pile of leaves (that you have already raked up), and jump into the pile with your husband and kids. Celebrate all He has done in your life and will do in the future. Whatever you do...find joy in this journey called "life."
welcome to blog world!! I'm really looking forward to reading your thoughts!! :-)
Thanks again, Joy, for starting this. I need all the "JOY (Chambers)" I can get :)
It's WAY overdue! You have so much wisdom (along with hilarious stories that no one will believe are actual Chambers events) to share, we will all be blessed!!
Hi there! This is Jonatha Sullivan (you may remember our family from attending the Oaks a couple of years ago). We now live in Indiana, and I stumbled upon your page by linking from someone else's site. I was so happy to see it was you! We think of you and your family quite often, so I am looking forward to reading your blog!
Hi Joy! Kitty let me know about your new blog. Can't wait to read the wisdom God gives you! :)
Welcome to the blogosphere, dear sister! I am thrilled to see you using your gifts in this way. I think you will love this medium as much as others will love reading what you have to say!
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